Document Type : Original Article


Department of Periodontics, PMNM Dental College and Hospital, Bangalkot, India.



Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of processes designed to complete a certain goal. Some applications of Artificial Intelligence in Periodontics include the localization of soft hard deposits, illness diagnosis and prognosis, and prediction of success rates in dental implant surgery.
Methods: Given the scarcity of data on the perspectives of postgraduates and dental interns on AI, the current study was designed to assess awareness, knowledge, and attitude toward AI among postgraduate students from the Department of Periodontics and dental interns from multiple centers. A cross-sectional survey using a self-designed questionnaire containing 26 closed-ended questions was distributed via Email and WhatsApp in Google forms to 139 postgraduate students from the Department of Periodontics and 127 dental interns from various dental colleges.
Results: The questions were classified into four categories: demographic information, awareness, knowledge, and attitude. To examine the responses, the Chi-square test was used. 47.7% of the 266 respondents were dental interns, while 52.3% were postgraduate students. For dental interns and postgraduates, the average knowledge score was 7.93 and 13.04, respectively. Postgraduates' knowledge was highly significant (P < 0.01).
Conclusion: It has been found that the postgraduate students were more aware and knowledgeable than the dental interns. As a result, incorporating AI into academic curricula is becoming increasingly important.


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